Tuesday, December 05, 2006

BUPA's Sinterklaas Present To Me

They don't know it yet, but the lovely people at BUPA International have given me an awesome Sinterklaas present: my new glasses!
I was told by the optician I would hardly notice a difference, but she lied. Apparently, the astigmatism (which is a different thing from stigmata, children) in my right eye (I always thought it was in my left, you learn something new every day!) changed by 30 degrees, so whereas my left eye doesn't notice anything odd about the new glasses, my right eye is highly confused. So not only does everything look much sharper than it used to, my right eye is also hurting a little bit. And so is my head. But I got a pretty new case for my new glasses, so I have no complaints. Sinterklaas has been good to me this year!

1 comment:

Miss B said...

Id be VERY worried if you had stigmata!