Wednesday, May 03, 2006

You thought it was all over...

...but it isn't. Because today I learnt a valuable lesson. I learnt that a woman has to stick by her convictions and not be swayed by peer pressure (yes, I mean you, wench!), outside factors or haircuts. I learnt that looks are not everything. I learnt that, after all my doubts and changes of heart, I should have trusted my instinct.
And that instinct told me from the start that Doug Penhall is the man for me. He may be no Johnny Depp, or have the nicest haircut in the world, but today he proved to be the most perfect man I will ever find (any men wanting to disprove me are welcome). I cannot believe I let myself be swayed by Hanson's nice haircut and Booker's bad-boy attitude (the guy is a cop, how much of a bad boy can he be?), and that I strayed from the path of my true love. I have to send out a big apology to Penhall for doubting him. If the wench wants Hanson, she can have him. My heart will forever belong to Douglas Penhall, the most romantic and lovely man in the world of 80s tv.
Watch 'Come from the shadows' from series 4 of '21 Jump Street' to see what I mean. Or don't, and just believe me when I say: you would. But you are not allowed to, because he's mine.
Discussion closed. I will (try) not (to) write any more posts on the issue, because it is resolved in Penhall's favour.
Let me tell you, girls, don't let (changing) looks fool you: go for the guy you instinctly know is right. Or, you know, don't take life lessons from someone who wishes she could marry Penhall and have his little cop babies. Whatever.


Anonymous said...

YAY!!!! I can have Hanson (well he was already mine but nevermind). Oh ye of little faith! I knew season four would sway you back to penhall. just wait till you watch la bizca or last chance high - you will melt into a puddle of goo!
Im still standing by my man though. I knew he was mine back in 2003 when i saw him dressed as a swishy pirate and no amount of changes of appearance, bad films (yes there have been some, only a few, but no ones perfect) and eighties fashion/hairdos can dampen my loyalty. I admire you for standing by penhall through his mullet and weight gain, cause lets face it, when you find a good one (even if they are fictional and it makes you crazy in the eyes of others) you've got to hold onto them

Ill await your texts of love for penhall as you progress through series 4


Queen Mushroom said...

I really can't believe it you know, I should have been more loyal. But I have seen my faults and it is Penhall all the way now. Also, I kinda like his chubbiness, he's cute.