Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I must be going insane...

...because last night I dreamt I was in my Shakespeare exam having to analyse the picture on the front of 'The Norton Shakespeare'. I did an okay job, linking it to Jaques' speech in 'As You Like It' about the seven stages of man (probably because it is about the last thing I read in my revision session yesterday). I won't bore you with the details, but somehow it worked.
I would still rather dream about Booker, though, so it's a good thing I have series 4 to watch tonight! (Well, not all of it, that would be really obsessive and tiring)


Anonymous said...

I think revision is bad for you


(I had a drean last night i had three ears!)

Queen Mushroom said...

awesome. where was the third one?

Anonymous said...

just below my right one. I woke up confused still thinking i had three ears, i actually had to check


Queen Mushroom said...

haha. I always have dreams like that, where I wake up and it's so real I have to make sure it was a dream. Also, I am happy I am not the only one with weird dreams (although I still think I would win in a weird dreams contest, I am like an Olympic athlete of weird dreams)