Monday, May 15, 2006

My First and Penultimate Exam and How To Celebrate

Hello everyone!!!!!!
I am very happy because my first exam is over and now I can actually see the light at the end of the tunnel! It went okay, but that is not the important news: the important news is that if my first exam is over now, my second (and last, ever!!!) exam has the possibility of being over soon, as well! Which is very good, because I am fed up with all this nonsense.
In other (but somewhat related) news, I have decided I want this awesome Domo Kun hoodie I've seen, but I haven't got the money! So, if you feel generous and wanna give me an AWESOME 'yay-your-exams-are-over' present, look for 'domo kun hoodie' on google and buy me a large one. The hoodie is basically just brown with his mouth and eyes on it, but it is awesome. A cuddly Domo Kun toy will also be acceptable, if not themed in any way but just him!
Or you can just make me wait till I get my fulltime job at Homebase and can afford one myself. But what would be the fun in that?
I was going to put a picture of Domo Kun right here, but it is taking too long to upload so I won't.

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