Monday, April 16, 2007

If Only It Was That Easy

I am in the Special Collections part of the library, which is nowhere near the main library, but the view is pretty and the people nice, so I quite like working here. I have about 500 words of my 3000 word essay, so I don't feel inadequate at all.... Sigh. Hopefully I will get it done this week.
I was going to write some other things, but I can't remember... I have a sore throat, which is silly but I guess it's my own fault for sitting in the nice sunny, warm garden all day yesterday? Or something like that.
Feeling blah. My dad talked to me on msn and asked if I felt less lonely. No, not really, seeing as I haven't really seen or spoken to anyone since Friday. Sigh.
And all my dreams are really dull now, I bet the anti-deps are slowly making me sane, and it's just no fun anymore to sleep, because when I wake up I can't always remember whether something really happened or I dreamed it, because my dreams are so bloody realistic and boring!!

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