I am Dr. Bop, MD and I am here for all your problems. As you can see, I have access to all the modern channels of communication, and I floss regularly. I never miss my morning cup of tea, and am always awake and alert to answer all your questions.
If you have any problems, be they concerned with the loss of the will to sleep in the only sunny spot on the floor, what to do when you cannot go outside, or any other feline and/or human difficulties, drop me a line at the usual email address, and I will make sure you are not disappointed!
Wishing you Health and Happiness,
Dr Bop, MD.
Dear dr Bop,
I had no time to call my daughter because I was standing in line to get into an art-gallery-like space for an hour on Friday evening in the rain and had to go to my brothers birthday in suburbland on Saturday... So please help e with this terrible problem!!!
Dear Oude Moeder,
This is obviously a big problem. It is important to let your daughter know you are well and that she is loved, but the reasons you have given for your neglect are good ones, too.
I say, write your daughter an email and for now, relax on the sofa and be nice to your cat, maybe by giving him some fish...
Yours Truly,
Dr Bop, MD
AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH when i first saw this pic without reading the text I thought The Cats had taken over the world and this was some kind of anouncement from our new feline overlords!
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