Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Ultimate Test

I got post today. All three items were a mixture of good and bad.

Item the first: my credit card bill (dull) on which I owed nothing (yay!)
Item the second: a parcel from my grandparents (mother's side)
Item the third: a parcel from my grandparents (father's side)

I was ready to tear open the parcels and giggle with glee over whatever was hidden inside, when I realised that my grandparents, being organised individuals who still think the post between the UK and mainland Europe takes two weeks, had sent me my birthday presents early. My father's mother even showed remarkable knowledge of my character by having written on the outside of the envelope that the parcel is a birthday present and not to open it before the 3rd of April (except she said it in a way I don't know how to translate into English, it was more like: 'This is a birthday present! Don't even think about it!' ('it' being opening the parcel early)).

So now I have to exert self-control.

I am glad my mother is coming to visit tomorrow and is staying until the day before my birthday, because the exertion of self-control for almost AN ENTIRE WEEK is far, far beyond me.

Birthdays are hard work, I'm telling ya.


Miss B said...

in a strange parallel, the present i bought for you arrived here today! And it has taken all of my self control not to keep it for myself. I'm afraid you'll have to wait for it though until i see you, cause it has come a long way and im not trusting its destiny to the useless british post. Sorry! :)


Queen Mushroom said...

oooooo exciting!!! exotic booty from afar!