Friday, March 23, 2007

The Road Less Traveled

I did everything I wanted to do this week except what I had planned for today. I did go and see the doctor, but I wasn't feeling great (I had a headache because I slept funny) so I gave myself a break and relaxed. I think I am finally getting somewhere with this whole self-love and being less hard on myself thing. I am just going to try to do what I can and enjoy life. Today I feel very optimistic about my life, and working on this letter for Penguin (I need to make some small changes, why do they always seem harder than big ones?) makes me feel quite good about myself. I know my writing on here is more diary-style and not always very good, but this letter has made me see I'm actually pretty good at this whole writing malarky! Anyways, I know it's gonna take some time, but I am definitely feeling much better about myself and the world.
Oh, and I am still working on Awesome Lady, she has a lot in store for us...

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