Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Wealth Management, Indeed.

When I went to work yesterday morning I felt much less nervous than Monday, because I thought I already knew what was coming. Little did I know!
The woman who is leaving whose job I am basically taking over, and who is teaching me how to do her job so the bank (I had to sign a confidentiality agreement, and although only people I know read this blog I don't think I want to risk naming the bank I am working for. But it's a big Swiss bank, and most of you already know anyways.) doesn't kick me out, was at home, ill. When I came in at 9 I was told there was nothing for me to do, and I should just have a look in the computer and, well, nothing else, really. At half 10 I had a meeting with the woman I am actually working for (she does the bank's PR/Communication for the anniversary team, which I am a part of), and she told me to research some things for her, but all in all, I had an extremely slow and boring day.
Except for lunch. At about 12, the only people left in the office were me, the Italian Dude and German Man. Bossman was in Hong Kong, Bosslady was gone for lunch, Bossman's Assistant was ill, Man Who's Leaving Friday was gone for an unknown reason, and Woman Who's Leaving Tomorrow was ill. So, at about half 12, German Man came to ask me if I was hungry and I, thinking I shouldn't impose myself, said 'sort of'. He then invited me to have lunch with him and Italian Dude. Lunch consisted of smoked salmon, yummie stinky cheese (me loves a good stinky cheese), bread rolls, olives, and, last but not least, Champagne. Indeed. It was the highlight of my day. Which, to be fair, wasn't hard because all I did all day was look through boring books and the net, but still, it was an amazing lunch. And I got to taste a (only had one cos I am being good and not eating sweets) celebratory choccie from Sprungli (which is a really good chocolatiere here), which was good, too.
Today I had an amazing day: I finally know my role in the team, I have my own security badge, computer log on, email address, phone number and voicemail, and my own desk.... I am an official person, yay! I have been given some really good responsibilities (like preparing a press conference which I can't attend because I'll be in Reading), and I have two meetings this week already. I am definitely looking forward to Monday!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooooooooh get you posh career lady! Champagne for lunch eh? What a high flyer you are. Congratulations on the swish job
As far as i go, it wouldnt matter if you did say which swiss bank cause it would mean absolutely nothing to me, not being overly knowledgeable about swiss banks. Arent they good for if you're a millionaire gangster?
Its cool that theyve given you so much responsibility when surely you arent going to be there very long. When does term start at Reading? When will you be returning to the good ol' british isles?


PS im still squeeing over all the wonderful wool