Thursday, August 03, 2006

Merilly Merel Or Merely Merel?

Okay, so a few people have talked to me about the title of my blog, and to try out a new, non-selfdeprecating me, I thought I'd change my title to Merel-y (Merrily) Merel and see how I (and you) feel about it.
In other news: Awesome Lady will make a comeback soonish, I am just working out her background.


Anonymous said...

now im torn. Im all for you a non selfdepricating you, but 'merely merel' was such a clever pun. Merel-y merel doesnt have quite the same effect. I like the upbeat tone that 'merrily' gives the site though. personally if i had to change i would call the blog Merrily Merel, as that way its still a pun when you say it aloud. merel-y merel could suggest that you are a merel who is very merel-like (if that makes any sense), and while i dont know any other merels, i like to think that you are one of a kind.


Leni said...

i like merel-y merel for all the reasons lizzy seems not to like it. furthermore, i've often liked usernames which express how they reflect their writer: my lj username is leniness, and i have friends who are beccafulest (the most becca-ful becca) and similar.

also, on a technical note, it's much better aurally - rhythmically and in terms of assonance.

Anonymous said...

It is an english problem. For quite some time I read this name in dutch me-re-lie-merel, sounds vrolijk, until suddenly the english thing hit me, merely merel. For me that has nothing to do with my Merel, dus.

Anonymous said...

now you see i cant compete against someone who uses proper words like 'aurally', 'rhythmically' and 'assonance'... i bow to the wisdom of the creative writer


On a side note... in a weird coincidence, the address of my blog is 'lizzybethness' from a nickname a school friend gave me. My argument thus doesnt have a leg to stand on

Queen Mushroom said...

Wow. I am keeping it this way, then. Can't believe this many comments!!
En mama: dankjewel.