Friday, October 06, 2006

What Does A Rose Eat?

I bought a Pot Rose today at ASDA's while I was there trying to find the Bramley apples for the pie thats in the oven right now. These are the instructions:

(Pot Rose) I am easy to care for.
Give me a cool, bright room away from direct sunlight.
Keep compost moist at all times
and feed every two weeks.

Apart from the difficulty of finding a bright room away from direct sunlight, there's one big problem in these instructions: what does a pot rose eat? I mean, seriously, because it already says I have to keep the compost moist, so what does it eat apart from water? HELP!!!
Easy to care for, my ass.


Anonymous said...

baby bio

it comes in a bottle sort of the size of a worcester sauce bottle (its also dark brown like worcester sauce but you definitely dont want to sprinkle it on your cheese on toast)
You dilute it in the water youre going to give your rose and it makes it grow. dont forget to dead head your roses when the blooms die as well, thatll help it keep flowering.

Miracle gro might also do houseplant feed.

supermarkets might sell it, if not wilkos usually sell it. maybe woolworths too


Queen Mushroom said...

thank you, but that does not equal easy to take care of in my books!