I Hate Firemen (Well, One Particular Berkshire Fireman Who Shall Remain Unnamed)
But I'm not going to tell you why! Here's the pictures of my new room:
That thing on my coffee table that looks like a football is actually a teapot. Also, I haven't got a bedside table yet but have been promised one, so let's all cross our fingers! Well, on second thought, don't because it might take a while. And on a side note: I have found out an awful lot of people drive with their music on far too loud for their (and my) own good.
1 comment:
sorry you hate firemen, I'm one. Never met you but still will help if I do............that's a fireman!
I love going to the beach when it is cold and rainy, but hate going when it is warm and sunny. I talk a lot but don't really expect anyone to listen to what I am saying, and I hate being alone for more than a few hours. Basically, I'm a dog in a human body.
1 comment:
sorry you hate firemen, I'm one. Never met you but still will help if I do............that's a fireman!
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