Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Random Ramblings About Yesterday

Yesterday was quite a nice day.
I went into campus to pay my credit card bill, and on the way there realised I might have some essays back! I went to my department, and I did indeed have two essays to pick up:
I got a 65 for my second Gothic essay which means I now have a 60 overall for the module (yay! not really what I had hoped for, but pretty good considering!) and I got a 68 for my second European Theatre essay!
This means that I have absolutely no modules at all that I have a First for, but at least I have two essays from the two years that count that are Firsts! And, more importantly, this means that I should definitely have a 2:1 for my degree, so I can go to Reading!!!! Woohooo!
I thought I'd celebrate so I bought a book for myself for the wait on campus until Leni was going to come over and have dinner with me. The book I bought is called 'My Sister's Keeper' by Jodi Picoult, about a girl who is basically brought into life to be a donor for her sister. It is really good, narrated from different viewpoints and in different times of the girls' lives, and I am really tired today because I was reading the book until 3 am at night cos I couldn't stop reading it... The ending is really surprising, and the whole book is really amazing, quite suprising when you just pick out a book in the bookshop because it sounds okay.
Dinner was nice, although there was a bit of plastic in my waffle!! Psh. The pasta was nice, tho, so all was not bad.
There was no point to this post, just wanted to let y'all know what happened yesterday!


Anonymous said...

Mees! Was dat het essay over dracula en de homosociophobia en dorian gray waar je 65 voor gehaald hebt? En kan ik nu vreselijk gaan opscheppen over hoe knap en slim je bent?

Anonymous said...

well done on the essays.

ill have to check out that book. staying up till three am cause you couldnt stop reading it? sounds just like how i was with the time travellers wife. its great when a book just grabs you isnt it?


Anonymous said...

well done on the essays.

ill have to check out that book. staying up till three am cause you couldnt stop reading it? sounds just like how i was with the time travellers wife. its great when a book just grabs you isnt it?


Anonymous said...

oops, my computer had a blip and i seem to have commented twice. Bloody technology

Queen Mushroom said...

Lizzy: heehee, i was wondering why I had so many comments!! It really is an AWESOME book, you can borrow it if you want.
Mama: ja, goed he? Je mag van mij best opscheppen, als ik die mensen dan maar niet hoef te ontmoeten en dat ze dan moeilijke vragen gaan stellen!!