Thursday, July 20, 2006

My Mother's Boyfriend awesome! He went to a Caspar David Friedrich exhibition in Germany yesterday and got me a HUGE (and expensive) book with info and pictures of his paintings (as a graduation present)!! Gothic Galore!! Meso happy. And I will be able to work on my German, as the entire book is in German, teehee.


Anonymous said...

i was feeling very ignorant of european culture in the way only an english person can be, so i google imaged Caspar David Friedrich. I can totally see why you like his works Miss Nineteenth Century. A lot of them looked like they should be used as the cover picture for frankenstein or something. very gothic indeed. im more of a fan of stuff like the impressionists, expressionists and art nouveau but i can definitely appreciate paintings like those. You're a very lucky girl!

By the way, be proud of me, im considering taking TWO victorian modules in my MA!


@>-;----- (thats a rose in case you were wondering

Leni said...

i must say, having just looked up the work of Mr Friedrich here, I was a little disappointed. I think that's probably because I was imagining something akin to the work of HR Giger. Must learn the difference between Gothic and gothic.

And, just to confuse you,


Queen Mushroom said...

Haha!! I really really love the drawings of the owls in the graveyards, sooooo gothic!!
Btw, any of you coming to Holland any time soon? Am at my grandparents with a really bad cold.... Need some friends!!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say hello to Leni (i tried to comment on your blog but i cant cause im not in the 'cool gang' of people with blogger accounts. Just wanted to say hey and sorry i didnt see you on graduation day. Glad to read you are still keeping up to date with nemi... but is it the same if youre not reading it instead of listening to tess grant?

(The original) L


Leni said...

Merel - come back, or at least be somewhere where you're online. I miss you.

Lizzy - whoops. have set it so anyone can comment now. You know, I'm not even bothering to do the sudokus any more? I reckon it was ALL about the boredom.

Queen Mushroom said...

Will be back home tomorrow night, and able to talk for as long as you want. Cold finally becoming less. Cousins being lovely. Found an old postcard my mum sent my grandparents ages ago, when I was still TINY... cute.