Thursday, July 06, 2006

Oh, and another thing:

I have stopped eating chocolate, crisps and other snacks/lovely foods that make me happy in a desperate effort to lose weight, and it is making me very grumpy. I am also hungry, like, all the time but eat a sandwich rather than some crisps to satisfy my stomach. Come to think of it, might have some food now.... Only just had dinner but still hungry!!! Grrrrrr, no chocolate sucks (no offense, Leni).


Am eating an apple. It's no bacon and club sandwich but it may be if I close my eyes and imagine really well......


Anonymous said...

ha. i sat here for ages wondering why i'd be offended by that, because i read it as: "grr! no! chocolate sucks!"

which is true.

Queen Mushroom said...

still no chocolate, although I shared a cookie with my mum yesterday.

Anonymous said...

hm. how big a cookie?

Queen Mushroom said...

quite big. One of those one where you say: wow, that's quite a big cookie!
Also, I had some sweets today, so no I can have NO MORE nice things EVER AGAIN. Man, I should have more willpower.

Anonymous said...

i feel your pain. i too have given up all snacks and its a bitch. if you need to moan about the crappiness that is trying to lose weight, you know where i am
