Thursday, July 06, 2006


I have been in Amsterdam for a while now, and feel I should post something. Anything. But the problem is, for the last few days I have been bored out of my skull.
One funny incident:
As I walked home from the supermarket (because my mum and her boyfriend both work all day I have been appointed housewife) the day before yesterday there was a couple heading towards me with their son who was maybe 3 or 4 years old. He was crying and whining a bit (I would be too, it is WAY too hot here! Stupid summer) so his dad lifted him up onto his shoulders, where the boy rested his head on his dad's head in a dramatic gesture of exhaustion and Weltschmerz. As I was looking at them the man spotted me and said: 'Never have children, ma'am!!' (Well, he said 'Nooit kinderen nemen, mevrouw!' but some of you wouldn't know what that means so there you go). It made me smile and giggle.
For the rest I have been grumpy because of the heat, although I am staying in what used to be my older brother's room, and he has a ceiling fan, so yay!

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