Sunday, July 01, 2007

Je Suis Desolee

There are things going on in my life, but lately I haven't really been feeling the need to put them on here (also, they aren't very interesting). I have hopes to get a job at Waterstones (think good thoughts for me!), there is a slight chance of a new guy in my life (very slight, though, so I'm not really getting my hopes up) which I will blog about if it becomes a bigger chance, and I am almost completely out of money. Other than that, I am working on some stories and trying to get some essays done, and I am generally enjoying life. So, for now, not much to tell, but I will give you this:


1. Where is your mobile phone? Desk.
2. Relationship? Maybe...
3. Your hair? Smelly.
4. Work? PLEASE!!!
5. Your sister(s)? Boys.
6. Your favourite thing? Books.
7. Your dream last night? Dull.
8. Your favourite drink? Tea.
9. Your dream car? Jaguar.
10. The room you're in? Pretty.
11. Your shoes? Many.
12. Your fears? Zombies.
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? Alive.
14. Who did you hang out with this weekend? Friends.
15. What are you not good at? Silence.
16. Muffin? Yum.
17. Wish list item? iPod.
18. Where you grew up? Amsterdam.
19. The last thing you did? Write.
20. What are you wearing? Cotton.
21. What are you not wearing? Hat.
22. Your pet? Pretend Cat. (Don't tell anyone I cheated!)
23. Your computer? Slow.
24. Your life? Awesome.
25. Your mood? Happy.
26. Missing? Job.
27. What are you thinking about? Family.
28. Your car? Legs.
29. Your kitchen? Blegh.
30. Your summer? Rainy.
31. Your favourite colour? Blue.
32. Last time you laughed? Yesterday.
33. Last time you cried? Friday.
34. School? Done-ish.
35. Love? Scary.

Pffff, that was hard!

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