Saturday, July 07, 2007

Another Update On The Father- Situation

I wrote the email, he came over to see me, we talked, I thought we would be okay, he stayed over, we went into town to catch a train to London, we had a big fight in the station, he went to London, I went to the Catwoman's, crying all the way there as while talking to my mum on the phone.
I'm taking a break from him. Hurts, but not as much as hearing him criticise my personality, life choices, and body. Funnily enough, it's made it easier for me to talk to my older brother - we have the same issues, after all.
Everybody's saying it will be okay in the end, but right now, I don't even care, I'm so angry with him. He's taken too much and given too little, and I have finally reached my limit.

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