Sunday, November 11, 2007

It's Not Easy Being Sort-Of-Grey-ish

She took me aways from my brothers and sisters and put me in a house all of my own. It has see through walls on one side, and I can see her move. Most of the times she is not there and I don't know where she goes, maybe she does not exist those times. It is perfectly possible that she exists solely to feed me and clean my house. My house gets quite dirty, but it is mainly the food's fault. I am tidy and poo in the same place. Except that one time when she put something there to prevent me, I had to poo in a different place that day.
There is water and salad in this house, but no friends I can play with. Every night when she comes to feed me she takes me out first, and when she cleans my house I have to come out, too, and she holds me tight. I want to explore the rest of the world, the grey and white and brown outside my house, but she gets nervous when I do. I don't mind when she picks me up, but I like being in my house better. She is very big and sometimes I am scared.
She talks a lot. I do not understand her, but she doesn't seem to mind. Sometimes she makes the ceiling make noises, and sometimes I like them but sometimes I don't and then I hide behind my bark. The food hides in the bark sometimes, but usually I catch it and eat it before it does.
I hide behind the bark sometimes as well when I don't want her to pick me up, but she is very strong and she picks up the bark and moves it to the other end of my house. It is very warm on the other side of my house, I like it but sometimes I have to hide behind the bark because it is too hot.

She has boxes with food, so I think she is nice, but I am not sure, she might stop at any point and then what will I do?

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